Moving Day Safety
Wear suitable garments and footwear. Ensure that your clothing doesn't cause a problem, such as shirttails and loose sleeves that could get snagged. Make sure that you put on durable, supportive footwear that have good grip, especially if the surfaces should turn out to be wet. Ensure no one is having open-toed shoes as sandals may lead to frayed toes, or even worse.
Arrange the space so that the areas where most traffic will pass through are clear of any obstacles. Whenever possible, have the heavier boxes set out-of-the-way plus the lighter, more delicate items. Let the movers be aware which of the boxes need special care. All those items that require to be taken apart should be ready to go. The parts should be well attached to main items so that the movers don't need to have to keep tracking smaller pieces.
Manage the movers so that each has a specific role. This will be of assistance to avert collisions and people getting unnecessarily in the way. Assembly line arrangements work best, with probably two people on the truck loading it while the others are removing of items from the house to the truck or van.
Ensure that if you're passing on items and boxes to another person that they have a good and firm grip before letting the item go. Whilst this may seem to be simple common sense, it's astonishing how frequently accidents do occur simply because we forgot to ask. Have firm and clear communication rules put in place which uses plain commands, especially if more than two persons are carrying one load. Frequently, a person's view gets obstructed and verbal directions remain the only way of ensuring the safety of everyone.
For those large items that necessitate more than two persons to move, ensure that you have an additional person there who can direct and guide the group and be available just in case somebody slips or is unable to carry their particular end of the load. This extra person may also act as the group communicator.
Make sure children are either kept completely out of the way or preferably with a baby sitter or at a neighbour’s house. Keep pets well locked in probably in an empty room. It's much less safer and stressful for them away from the confusion and noise.
Engage professionals to move your speciality items like pianos, large appliances and priceless antiques. Some big appliances may need special handling and care while others may need to be dismantled and reassembled or reinstalled, therefore give a thought to this aspect in well in advance.
Have an emergency kit on hand, that includes band aids, pain killers and some medicated ointment. Ensure that everybody knows where the nearest telephone is located and an emergency contact list, just in case of any quick need.
Check out this moving checklist for more great ideas!